Uncovering paths to
digital thriving.

Photo by Julia D'Agostino

Dr. Emily Weinstein is a psychologist, author, educator & Harvard-based researcher.

For over a decade, Emily’s work has focused on chasing answers to questions like:

  • How do today’s technologies shape teens’ lives and development?

  • What’s hard for young people today, and why?

  • How can adults better support kids who are growing up with unprecedented connectivity?

  • What will it take so for us all to thrive in a tech-filled era

Based at Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Center for Digital Thriving is a research and innovation center that Emily co-founded.

Emily’s book Behind Their Screens is written with longtime colleague Carrie James based on their original research with thousands of teens.

Tech Without Stress is a hub for tech parenting guidance from Emily and fellow researcher Jacqueline Nesi.

Speaking — and Listening

Emily regularly speaks to audiences of students, parents, educators, and other professional groups. In alternating years, she also teaches a course about adolescence and social media at Harvard Graduate School of Education. 

A passionate speaker, Emily and her colleagues’ work is fueled by good listening. Right now, the Center for Digital Thriving team is on a formal “listening tour,” which you can follow through Beck Tench’s substack, Making Thriving Visible.

At the heart of Emily’s work is a longstanding commitment to helping us all lean into empathy over eye rolling as we make sense of adolescents’ experiences and chart the paths to digital agency. As a social scientist, Emily is endlessly curious about how tech is reshaping our lives and development. As a parent, she is constantly searching for reasons to be hopeful about the future.